Community Day at Jellie Park

We had a wonderful day at Jellie Park, swimming and playing with the equipment or just rolling down the grassy slope. No sunburnt bodies, thanks to the overcast day. The Kauri team came out from the indoor pool to have lunch with us then went back in to continue their swimming sports.
Some of us had another swim after lunch before catching the bus back to school.

Welcome to 2014

Welcome to the class of 2014.
Before 2013 ended, we spent some time with the teacher we were going to in 2014. We completed some art work so there would be something of ours in the room when we arrived.

We decorated a border for our photograph

We also wrote about something we loved doing
 We also played some games where we needed to co-operate together while we were sharing equipment.

Co-operating to make a farm

Co-operating when using the blocks