Room 3 had a lot of fun learning about resilience and perseverance while formulating our Learning Plan.
We played a lot of new games with "Rats and Rabbits" being our favourite.
We also had a choice of 4 challenges to complete.
Challenge 1 = COMMUNITY -
We had to work with someone else to complete a co-operative picture about something we both enjoyed doing. This took some time to do.
We had to make a model with a buddy from looking at a picture.
Then one person had to describe the model while the other person built it. This was hard to do.
Challenge 3 - RESPECT
We had to look at some work completed by someone else and we had to write them a note telling something we liked about their work.
Challenge 4 - EXCELLENCE
For this challenge we had to work with another person to trace around each other's hand then colour the hands in bright colours making them evenly coloured.
We all loved doing these challenges.