Term2 Kelly Sport coaching

Kelly Sport coaching was a lot of fun.
Room 3 learnt to play a Warm-up game called Traffic Lights where we had to move in different ways. A cone was held up - green for go, yellow to do the action on the spot, and red meant stop. We had to watch we were not bumping into each other and also keep an eye on the coach to see what colour cone was held up.

We then played "Catching It" where we had to throw a ball and catch it.

Even our coach joined in.
 We then had to play "Target Bounce" and had to throw the ball accurately for it to bounce to another person across the hall.
We learnt that we had to do close throws lightly and had to throw harder when we were further apart. Some people had very accurate throwing and catching skills.

Term 2 - Kids Can Cook

Chris Fortune brought his kitchen to school to teach us how to cook apple and silverbeet filled crepes.

 Dylan helped as the sous chef.
 Mixing the crepe batter.
Chris had to wait for 20 minutes for the batter to sit.
He waited and whispered to some of the children about what he had for breakfast.
The sous chef mixing the chopped silverbeet and grated apple.
Chris was a wizz at flipping the crepe to cook on the other side.
The tasters had to rub their chin, rub their tummy and show thumbs if they liked it or not.
Jack did not like the taste and let Chris know.
Chris tried to get him to eat the silverbeet.
Chris got us to try the filled crepes.
Did we all like it?

Term 2 Trip to the Wigram Air Force Museum

Our trip to the Wigram Air Force museum was very interesting.

Chris talking to us as we arrived.
 In the classroom, learning about air.
The big ideas we were focusing on.
 We need air to be able to fly.
 How an aircraft wing works.
 A part of an aircraft wing.
A group looking at the jet fighter.