T2 Kākano Cross Country Event

We held the Kākano Cross Country event at school. We began by Room 22 and ran around the field, jumping over seats and hurdles, around the back of Rooms 12 and 13, then behind the Junior block and back onto the field, under a large parachute and through the cones to the finish line.
A lot of children were very puffed at the end, but all finished the course.

Waiting for our race.
Aidan in the lead.

The finish area.

Aidan led the whole way. 

The girls finishing.

 Doing the House chants.

Some of our helpers who also ran the course with us.

T2 Kelly Sports #2

Once again we had some Kelly Sports coaching in the hall.

We played a tag game as a warm up to get us moving.

We them played a game of Gateways where we had to pass the ball 5 times before the person without the ball had to move to a new gateway. This way we all moved and threw and caught a tennis ball with lots of different partners. We had to do the same thing but the second time we had to move in different ways between the gateways.

Discussing how we could moce and how to make the game harder.

Term 2 Science

We are learning to follow a procedure to make parachutes with a plastic bag and string.

What we need:
A plastic supermarket bag
something to weight the parachute.

Step 1 - Cut the plastic so it is in a square or rectangle shape.
Step 2 - Cut 4 pieces of string the same size, about 30 to 35 cm long
Step 3 - Sellotape the string to the four corners of the plastic square / rectangle
Step 4 - Bring the ends of the strings together and tie the weight firmly.
Step 5 Test fly it from a small height.

The parachutes that did not have too much weight gently floated to the ground.
The parachutes with a heavy weight fell straight to the ground.

We also made and tested some gyrocopters.

These worked well when they had a paper clip on the end as a weight.

Assembly Term 2

On Monday Room 3 hosted the Full School Assembly with Room 4. The people who did the announcements were seated on stage at the left. The remainder of the class was seated in the front row.
Presenting the sports results
Mr McCallum led us in the Waiata and National Anthem.
We made hot air balloons and our class showed these to the audience

Jayla was proud to receive the Principal's award.